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In Vitro ADME
The binding of drugs to plasma proteins affects the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs in the body, thereby affecting the intensity and duration of pharmacological effects. When drugs enter the human body, generally only free drugs can reach the target and exert pharmacological effects. Therefore, it is very important to determine the protein binding of drugs in drug discovery and development as well as in clinical studies. WuXi AppTec DMPK can provide customers with several methodologies for plasma protein binding, including equilibrium dialysis (HTD and RED), ultracentrifugation, ultrafiltration, flux dialysis, competitive dialysis, reporter enzyme method (for determining dynamic binding), and other methods for protein binding experiments of various matrices such as plasma, tissue, hepatocytes, and liver microsomes, and can also provide blood-plasma partition and hemolysis experiments. WuXi AppTec DMPK can test various modalities, such as plasma unstable or highly bound compounds, covalent inhibitors, peptides, Proteolysis-Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs*), siRNAs, ASOs, etc.
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Case Studies
PPB determination of highly bound compounds
PPB determination of peptides
Figure 1. The Bland-Altman plot of fu by flux dialysis and literature-reported data
The dilution method is usually used for PPB determination of highly bound compounds during discovery. Since plasma dilution may lead to saturation of plasma proteins, it is recommended to use the other methods with undiluted plasma to verify the fu values in the late stages. Flux dialysis is one of the recommended methods that determine fu from the initial flux rate obtained from dialyzing commercially available compound-spiked plasma against blank plasma in in-house laboratory. It offers the advantage of measuring extremely low fu values without the effect of issues such as nonspecific binding. The figure describes a Bland-Altman plot of fu values by in-house flux dialysis and the data reported by the literature.
Figure 1. The Bland-Altman plot of fu by flux dialysis and literature-reported data, which is used to determine whether the two test methods agree. The upper and lower dashed lines are the upper and lower limit of the 95% confidence interval for the difference. The upper and lower dotted lines are the upper and lower limit of the 95% confidence interval for the mean difference. The test data is considered reliable if the mean difference 95% confidence interval encompasses zero.
For PPB determination of peptides, since they usually have large molecular weights, do not easily penetrate the dialysis membrane, and are prone to non-specific adsorption, it is recommended to use the ultracentrifugation method during drug discovery. Ten marketed peptide drugs were selected as test compounds in our laboratory. Ultracentrifugation was used to evaluate the protein binding in human plasma. The results were close to the literature values (Table 1).
Table 1. Unbound values of peptides in human plasma determined by ultracentrifugation
Sample Name
%Unbound (in-house data)
%Unbound (literature data)
Octreotide Acetate
Compounds* species screened per year
≤ 5
TAT ≤ 5 Days
Is it necessary to measure several concentrations for plasma protein binding?
Fu in neat plasma (100% plasma) is usually measured at a standardized concentration (1~2 μM) in the drug discovery stage. The plasma protein is less likely to be saturated. However, when compound concentration is high compared with a number of available binding sites in vivo, and when affinity to the binding protein is high, it is necessary to assess concentration dependency and identify the major plasma binding proteins, as there are examples of saturable protein binding.
What is the significance of knowing whether a drug is highly bound to α1-acid glycoprotein (AAG)?
AAG is one of the major plasma-binding proteins and has high affinity and low-capacity properties. There are marked species and age differences in protein expression, homology, and drug binding affinity. As a result, a good understanding of whether a drug binds to AAG can be very important in the translation of PK/PD relationships from animal species to humans, healthy versus diseased populations, and adult to pediatric populations.
Is it necessary to measure the fraction unbound in tissues? What is the optimum homogenization ratio?
The total drug concentration measured in plasma or tissues may not be the concentration of pharmacologically active drug at the biological receptor site. Therefore, tissue binding will be necessary in order to obtain free drug exposure in tissues. Most screening studies employ a single dilution, eg. 3-fold to 10-fold, and the measured fu in diluted tissues was corrected to the undiluted fu. In late stages, the use of several dilutions of homogenates is advantageous in providing more robust data for extrapolation and confirming linearity of binding in tissue homogenates.
How should I measure PPB for unstable compounds?
Determining PPB can be challenging for unstable compounds because instability can make the assay results less reliable. Several advanced methods have been reported to determine the PPB of unstable compounds, such as ultrafiltration, using inhibitors, low-temperature method, dilution method, and others. Their suitability depends on the stage of development, mechanisms of instability, and assay cost.
Why should in vitro incubation media binding assays be performed?
When a large number of cells, subcellular components, tissues, or recombinant enzyme systems are used in drug metabolism and enzyme kinetics experiments, the compounds are prone to non-specific binding with them, affecting the concentration of free drugs. Meanwhile, the apparent kinetic parameters measured in experiments will deviate from the true values, affecting the metabolic rate and inhibitory efficacy evaluated in enzyme kinetics studies. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the non-specific binding of the incubation matrix in vitro to correct the free concentration in the incubation matrix.
Why do we perform blood to plasma partition experiments?
In vitro blood plasma ratio (BPR) experiments refer to the ratio of total drug concentration in blood to total drug concentration in plasma at equilibrium. High or low distribution of drugs in red blood cells may lead to great differences in drug concentration in blood and plasma. Therefore, understanding the distribution of drugs between plasma and blood cells is essential for the correct interpretation of kinetic parameters. However, it should be noted that the blood/plasma (B/P) ratio measured from static in vitro B/P assay could be different from in vivo setting. The in vivo blood plasma ratio and temporal profiles of the investigated drug in plasma and blood can be time-dependent on the scale of the in vivo PK-PD measurement. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider appropriate in vitro and in vivo BPR study design to reliably correct blood-to plasma parameters.
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